1. The world has bole, then a swift horse. Thank you, my teacher. Happy teachers“ day! 【教师节】The world has bole, then a swift horse. T…完整祝福语: The world has bole, then a swift horse. Thank you, my teacher. Happy teachers“ day!
2. Last year, 【中秋节】Last year, the moon has come again. How m…完整祝福语: Last year,
3. your world, 【圣诞节】your world, and contentment and joy fill …完整祝福语: your world,
4. 遍地笙歌乐团圆。 【中秋节】Zhongtianhao Yueming world, everywhere Sh…完整祝福语: 遍地笙歌乐团圆。
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